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Match 2T04 - Top Bracket
Men of Rohan defeats F,communications 67-18
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Game 1: Captures on The Dark Canyon  16-0
Men of Rohan F,communications 
ViperX (viperx)29:25Galleon (firewire)3:7
Skeletor (skeletor66)32:10Boab (DOBU)13:31
H. D'Averc (bintz)17:8Vol (volvol)12:7
Super Man (ambjeb)9:2Michel (Behind)10:11
Bishop (bishop71)2:7Moy (MoyLeviath)7:15
Monte VI (montevi)0:1KEN (LOVEYMO)3:14
Rohan (rohan)0:1Kuri (Kuri)3:8
Game 2: Captures on The Dark Canyon  16-0
Men of Rohan F,communications 
ViperX (viperx)16:5Galleon (firewire)6:11
Monte VI (montevi)23:15KEN (LOVEYMO)18:2
Skeletor (skeletor66)18:20Boab (DOBU)7:43
Super Man (ambjeb)16:4Vol (volvol)7:5
Rohan (rohan)10:2Moy (MoyLeviath)6:12
Bishop (bishop71)8:6Kuri (Kuri)5:9
H. D'Averc (bintz)2:3Michel (Behind)4:13
Game 3: Last Man on the Hill on The Barrens (Venice x2)  11-0
Men of Rohan F,communications 
ViperX (viperx)7:0KEN (LOVEYMO)0:0
Skeletor (skeletor66)16:0Kuri (Kuri)7:0
Super Man (ambjeb)8:0Michel (Behind)3:0
H. D'Averc (bintz)4:0Boab (DOBU)3:0
Monte VI (montevi)2:0Galleon (firewire)2:0
Rohan (rohan)2:0Vol (volvol)2:0
Bishop (bishop71)2:0Moy (MoyLeviath)1:0
Game 4: Last Man on the Hill on The Barrens (Venice x2)  8-0
F,communications Men of Rohan 
KEN (LOVEYMO)5:0ViperX (viperx)5:0
Moy (MoyLeviath)9:0Skeletor (skeletor66)11:0
Galleon (firewire)7:0Bishop (bishop71)6:0
Kuri (Kuri)7:0Monte VI (montevi)3:0
Michel (Behind)4:0H. D'Averc (bintz)2:0
Vol (volvol)3:0TuKo (ryote)2:0
Boab (DOBU)2:0Rohan (rohan)0:0
Game 5: Flag Rally on The Calm Before the Storm  24-10
Men of Rohan F,communications 
ViperX (viperx)8:8Moy (MoyLeviath)2:6
Skeletor (skeletor66)33:12KEN (LOVEYMO)17:9
TuKo (ryote)14:20Kuri (Kuri)16:12
Bishop (bishop71)6:6Galleon (firewire)8:18
Super Man (ambjeb)3:6Michel (Behind)6:16
Monte VI (montevi)2:3  
H. D'Averc (bintz)1:4  
Build time: 15ms