Scoring is a little different this year than in years past. We're going to be scoring each round individually, so that we can balance the exact maps that are being played, against each other. We hope that this will be the fairest scoring system yet. We'll be shooting for an 8-0 maximum difference for each game, when possible. See the maps page for all the scoring info you'll need. Each map has a score definition that looks like:

1/flag + 3

This means simply that the score will be one point per flag tagged/held, plus 3 points for winning the game. Sometimes the objective score is fractional, "0.5/flag", in which case it will have (up), (down), or (round) to tell you how to resolve the fraction. 0.5 should be rounded up if (round) is specified.
Allied Games
Allied games are meant to add a twist to normal team play, and to test team communication skills. A team will split up into either two or three sub-squads (the number of teams will depend on the map in question; if the map has 4 start locations, each team will split into two squads, for example), and when the game commences, sub-squads of the same team will ally with one another for the duration of the game.

Allied squads do NOT need to worry about beating each other, as scoring is cumulative. Allied squads need only beat their opponents' squads. Once all enemy squads are destroyed, the game is officially over, your team is assumed to control all objectives, and your squads automatically advance to the top placements.

Please note that scorers will be instructed NOT to count kills and damage at ALL for the winning team if two squads kill each other's units after the other team is destroyed. If you want your ratios to count, do not engage in that behavior.
Scoring for Allied Games
Typically an allied game rewards points for objectives, just like a normal team game. For instance, one point per flag retained in territories. There are also points awarded for winning, which will change from game to game. A game like territories can easily be tallied to see who held more flags, while a game like flag rally is slightly more complicated.

Sometimes allied games will reward points based on each squad's overall placement. For instance, in flag rally, the first place squad could receive 5 bonus points, while the second scores 3 points, and the third place team scores 1 point. When this type of scoring is used, you will see a definition like this on the maps page:

1/flag + 5/3/1/0

5/3/1/0 defines the number of bonus points for each squad.
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