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Match Q105 - Qualifying Round
Beefeater defeats Old School GWAR 56-21
Review by Myrkridon
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Overall not a terribly well-played match, although the edge goes to GWAR for the worse play. GWAR seems to think giving Andy rushing units and letting him captain all the time is a good idea, which costs them big. BF didn't make any spectacular tactical moves in this match, but they did play a more patient game than GWAR and they seemed to have better Myth skills individually too

Game One - Stampede Desert

Both teams use the typical 3-prong strategy. The only real difference is in the pig setup. BF gets 15 pigs and spreads them evenly between their 3 flanks, while GWAR (math geniuses, I'm sure) trades for only 5 pigs - i.e one MWC point worth with 6 trading points wasted- and hides them all in their west with no protection whatsoever.

GWAR's mid, controlled by Andy, has quite a big numbers advantage over the opposing 2-man team of Rotten and Grim Reaper of BF across the bridge. Despite this advantage, Andy begins to get donged in a bad way by them. Apparently the skills required to be a TFL master don't include knowing how to spread archers and block with warriors against pus. With Andy's archer advantage blown, Grim and Rotten press the middle hard, and cross the bridge. Amusingly, this puts them in a very good position to get pussed and rushed by the enemy, since all of GWAR's pus is still at their crossings at the sides of Rotten and Grim. Luckily for BF, Andy decides to just rush Grim and Rotten's 2 dwarves without any pus or archer support at all, and no assistance from the flanks. Apparently being a TFL god doesn't require the knowledge of how to rush dwarves, either...or team communication skills, come to think of it. Andy gets blown into tiny little pieces, and as a result GWAR is in the position where they have much less useful units than their enemy. Now that he has sacrificed over a third of GWAR's army uselessly, Andy starts telling his team what to do. "Send men down to mid!" says Andy. Good call, man...too bad you didn't say that back when it would have accomplished something, eh? As it is, GWAR can't send anything mid at all because their flanks are busy fighting, but Andy begins the blame game anyway. "Jesus Christ", exclaims Andy. "great they got pigs in", says the oh-so-wise Andy.

The game ends with BF winning 10 points to zero with a 13 pig to zero pig victory. Andy, always the expert, tells his team that BF won by 7 points.

Game Two - Terries Trow

BF opts for a standard 3-prong strategy, while GWAR does a small north flank and a large south rush, controlled by Andy, who is doing his best impersonation of Gore, and controlling 47% of the units and sucking with them while capping at the same time to ensure a huge loss all around. Apparently the rest of GWAR forgot about Andy's disastrous rush that cost them the last game. Oh well, how soon we forget.
Andy's rush -4 trow and a bunch of krids- chases the opposing BF flank back to their soulless hill. Although he does kick most of their krids (about 6 or 7, total) and both their locks, he still gets hit by a warlock fireball so it's not much of a gain at all. Meanwhile, the northern GWAR flank, hopelessly surrounded and outnumbered, gets killed off by BF. Andy then rushes the rest of BF's melee with his own, and loses GWAR's last hope of holding any flags. Andy pretends that he doesn't know this game was his own fault, and...

Andy: "I'm kinda pissed"
Andy: "what the hell happened?"

Apparently he seems to think that sending a quarter of his army north into a good position to get pincered and killed was a good idea and his teammates should have played better.

But no worries for Andy, he saves his ego by saying "I did good, heh". Well let's recap: Andy's awful strat and mediocre execution just got his team a big minus 17 point kick in the pants. I guess being a TFL master doesn't require the knowledge of how to play dark maps, either

Game Three - Flag Rally Cracks

The planning time chat starts with IhmeMies and Grim Reaper shouting what appears to be BF's battle cry: "SIEG HEIL", to which RaBieZ of GWAR replies by first calling them racists, then calling them queers. I think Dana Carvey as the Church Lady of Saturday Night Live fame would have said, "Well isn't that special?" at this point. To be honest I'd rather have sex with a black woman than a white man so I'd rather people bashed the racists than the homophobes...oh, back to the match.

Junk of GWAR asks, "u guys lose bad?", to which Andy replies:
"because of mistakes" <-- should read "because of _my_ mistakes".

He then gives the "we didn't practice" post-excuse. Fortunately for my sanity, he says something that is likely to be true for a change.
"so we will probably be eliminated first round [of DE]" - Andy

Anyway, the game...BF does a 3-prong with mixed units, and GWAR does a huge middle rush (rushing the middle is considered to be a godly strategy on TFL, I hear) with one reasonable flank to the west, and a "questionable" flank of 3 archers and a few ghols to the east.

BF's middle force, although hopelessly outnumbered, fights to the death and loses. This puts GWAR up about 10%.

Still, GWAR blows it as usual. They send their entire mid force to BF's fort to get their weakly-guarded flags while BF's west flank sends their melee into GWAR's own fort to get weak flags, and BF takes the unguarded east outside flag easily. BF get the victory imminent before GWAR does, and GWAR does a brilliant rush move on BF's 5 archers and single dwarf with their 4 warriors and suicides them pointlessly, leaving their flag without melee and without killing a single BF unit. BF takes GWAR's flag before GWAR's attack force even makes it to the last flag they need.
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