I like to complain - Will             ­n­
So I'm going to write a shitty article to complain about. You can join in, but only as long as I get the first word. I'll give a brief outline of how I will go about making an article as shitty as I can, and then give explanations as to what makes each individual part so shitty.

First, I will give a shitty outline that will bother people to no end. It will not be funny. There will be an obvious irony that is so not funny that people will gag on their carrots.

Second, I plan to write about something that has already been written about. Being unorigional is one of the more important parts to being shitty.

Third, I will make sure, and I mean absolutely sure, that there is not a single part that could be contrued as "funny" in any way, shape, or form. If people find this amusing there wont be anything to complain about. So far I'm going strong.

Forth, I will give it a conclusion that not only is not funny, is unorigional, but is even offensive. I feel this will best achieve the effect that I am going for.

Fifth, I will use my reputation to make people hate me even more for posting such a sucky article. If I were just some random person, people wouldn't hate this article so much. This is the result of a carefully planned build up to this article. After this not funny article that I will use to complain about how I'm not funny and I should be hated, I'll start being the funniest person on myth and write real articles. This is merely the cumulative efforts of years of work.

On to the article.

Don't you just hate it when people use dumb Irony in an assumption that you the reader, are a fucking idiot and can't pick up on it? I do, and thats why I already hate this article.

Don't you absolutely fucking despise it when people use stale jokes already used before in order to distinguish themselves? I sure do. But seriously folks...howbout that airplane food.

Don't you want to commit murder on the fag who spends all his time being a dick about how dumb you are and then posts something of such astronomical idiocy that you have an overpower urge to gut him with a blunt meathook? I do. In fact, I think all people who do shit like this should be drawn and quartered, but as their getting quartered, gut them with a blunt meat hook.

And then when they draw it on and on and its like the biggest waste of your time ever and you should stop reading, but you don't realize thats actually an option because you're alot dumber than you think, or, conversely, you do realize you could stop reading, but realize that in your sad sad life you have nothing better to do and so you read it and are horrified by its sheer awfulness. That asshole. That fucking cock sucking asshole.

Just shut the fucking hell up now with your god damn shitty ass article Will.

I am will, and I approve of this message.
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