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Match Q040 - Qualifying Round
The Cagey Inquisition defeats Legacy 59-12
Review by t o x y n
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Brandtake pretty much takes on the the Cagey Inquisition on his own throughout the whole match due to Anduril having connection/computer problems, and a severe lack of attendance. CI dominate every game despite losing more than half of their force in the first game

Game One - [Stampede] [The Desert Between Your Ears]

Cagey Inquisition's trade:
-22 Bowman
-21 Pigs
-4 Dwarfs
-18 Warriors
-1 Journeyman
-6 Wights
-12 Ghols

Legacy's trade:
-Maximum Bowman
-Maximum Warriors
-12 Ghols
-29 Pigs

Before planning time ends, Bison makes an interesting point about stampede on desert, "this is the kinda shit civil lost".

The game begins, and Serval melts all of the wights, and collects some puss paks with Bison and Kighter picking up the rest. Legacy opts for no puss, and send their entire army north except a few ghols which scout the southern pass of the river. CI originally planned for 2 flanks, and a sizable force in the middle. Kighter and Bison quickly point out the massive army that is approaching the North river crossing, and CI quickly counters the giant flank by sending their middle force and all puss ghols north. For some reason, Sam Stone leaves his arcs to their lonesome on the bridge.
Back up North, things get nasty as the puss attacks rain havoc on Lg's melee, artillery, and most importantly, pigs. Towards the end of the battle, Anduril drops and leaves Brandtake to play the rest of the game on his own. Despite, keeping some warriors alive, all of Lg's pigs suffered the death penalty.
While everything was going on in the north, grumjug of CI was in the south protecting the CI pigs from any threats. The south was completely empty of Legacy units, and grum sends the peegs home for the win.

"We destroyed over half your army" says Brandtake at the end of the game. True, but you don't get points for that. =

Game Two - [Territories] [If I Had a Trow...]

Cagey Inquisition's trade:
-Maximum Trow
-4 Warlocks
-1 Wight
-15 Souless
-1 Mortar Dwarf
-Maximum Myrkridia

Legacy's Trade:
-Maximum Trow
-5 Warlocks
-4 Mauls
-11 Souless
-Maximum Myrkridia

Planning time has ended, and both teams have begun moving to their places on the desert. Both teams seem to using, in a way, the same principle in their strategies.
Anduril of Legacy has a hefty North flank with 3 trow, a warlock, and a load of myrkridia. He comes up against Sam Stone and Bison at the river crossing. Both teams have a demanding amount of units middle, and souless south, (1 soul south for CI, 3 south for Lg). Anduril pushes Sam and Bison back west, and then chase them toward CI's midwest flag. Anduril loses a trow in the process of his attack. Serval quickly orders Myk to assist Bison and Sam, but gets the dreadful "Myk has left the game" message instead, doh!
It's the same kind of luck for Legacy as Anduril drops again at a really key point in the game. Things go downhill for Brandtake from there. After retreating to the midwest flag, Bison and Sam receive help from three warlocks who burn most of Brand's flanking krids, along with Sam's last 2 krids. Brandtake unable to watch 2 spots at the same time, realizes the slaughter taking place and sends the remaining flanking units back northwest.
While the lock shots were being fired, Kighter was dancing at the mideast flag with his 3 trow, attempting to kick Brandtake's warlocks into the wind. However, soon after Brand's flank retreated North from the carnage near the midwest flag, a good part of his mideast force was sucked into a trap on the bridge while he wasn't looking. He manages to escape before losing all that followed Kighter into trouble at the bridge.
Bison chases down Brand's north flank and kills it except for one trow. Bison chases the lone trow across the northern river crossing, and splits his forces to assist an attack at the mideast flag. Bison sends one trow to go 1vs1 in a fist fight against Brand's trow standing at the northeast flag. Bison's trow loses the boxing match, leaving Brand with a flag and a trow.
While Bison's trow was getting smacked up, a coordinated attack on the Lg mideast flag was taking place, and CI destroyed everything there with ease.
Soon after that, CI splits up for flag tagging, and tag all 6 before Brand's lone trow in the North is able to tag another flag.

"I blame this entirely on Anduril", says Brandtake at the end of the game...heh

Game Three - [Flag Rally] [Cracks in the Cloudspine]

Cagey Inquisition's trade:
-11 Ghols
-12 Bowman
-Maximum Stygian Knights
-5 Dwarfs
-Maximum Warriors
-12 Thrall

Legacy's trade:
-Maximum Warriors
-22 Bowman
-10 Thrall
-Maximum Stygian Knights
-4 Dwarfs

The voice of Myth announces, "Game On", and the final game begins. Lg got the North start, but failed to tag 4 flags first, giving CI the immediate advantage. Lg leaves one dwarf and a few thrall at each home flag at their fort in the North. CI opts for leaving 3 thrall at each of their home flags, and a small amount of units on each of their front flags. Legacy sends 2 large flanks along the East and West walls, but are forced to stay put at their front flags as they are pressured by CI's strong offensive unit. Serval orders grumjug to get his artillery atop the high hills incase a Lg flank manages to sneak a few units by.
The game is tied at 4 flags a piece, and CI continues to engage Anduril's flank at the Northwest flag. He had enough units to hold the flag until about the 8:58 mark when, you guessed it, Anduril drops from the game again! Just like last game, its downhill from there for Lg, as Brandtake plays the reminder of the final game on his own. CI sends an attacking force into the Legacy fort and quickly take out its defenders for 2 quick tags. In the Northwest, CI has destroyed the entire flank except for a stygian or two in yellow and red health, which isn't enough to take any of CI's flags. The Inquisition start to converge on Brandtake's last flag, and take it out with ease, game over.

"gg...." says Brandtake at the end of the game. Gee-gee indeed, better than a forfeit I guess.
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