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Match 4E06 - Elimination Round
Kings of Aesir defeats Brotherhood of BoB 41-36
Review by Myrkridon
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Lots of mistakes on both sides make this match barely worth watching. BoB had plenty of opportunities to win this match, but didn't take advantage of any of them. They fail to max out points on Desert when they outnumber Aesir 2 to 1, they suicide their whole army after it's obvious they'll lose the Barbarian Valley game, and some rather sad unit management mistakes turn a potential win on Smells into a loss.

Game One - terries Desert

Moonshade captains for BoB and trades for a big useless gholpack, while Ruin captains for Aesir and trades for max pus. Ruin immediately starts to screw his team over by blowing up 4 of their 6 wights. Good job, man. Needless to say, it all goes downhill for Aesir from there. Despite the fact that all BoB's gholpack ever does it get slowly shot to death by Aesir's dwarves and archers, BoB still slowly wins the BC war due to better play by their archers, warriors, and dwarves.
As the endgame approaches, BoB is up big in %, and it looks like they'll win 6-0 because all Aesir is doing at this point is blaming the loss on lag and trying to scam BoB into playing the next to games on an Aesir host (ever played on J-Ditty's host? The command lag is horrific). Funny, I thought Aesir's loss was due to their blowing up their own units with wights, not lag. But Aesir pulls together a bit as BoB ignores the flag situation, and is left holding one flag as the game ends

Game Two - lmoth Barbarian Valley

BoB lets LongShadow captain them this game, and Aesir let's Ruin captain them again for some reason. I guess they forgot about that new butthole they just received after having let Ruin captain the last game, but oh well. Unit trades are quite different for both teams - Aesir maxes out on artillery and fast melee (pretty much the best unit trade on a map such as this), while BoB trades away key soulless and mortars for a pack of useless mauls. Gee, I wonder who will win this game. Side note: obviously, BoB tried playing on an Aesir host, because during this game they keep saying how the previous 9 (nine! holy crap nine!) attempts at hosting this map resulted in unplayable lag. TuKo is the neutral host once again. During planning time, Aesir tells each other to all shut up (it's always a good idea to tell your teammates to shut up while playing a video game that people play to *have fun*) while Death on Impact complains that people on 56K modems shouldn't be allowed to host games for 16 people. Well duh, welcome to the Aesir hosting wars, DOI.

Both teams use their amazing strategic powers and RUSH THE MIDDLE WITH EVERYTHING. Yeah, clever. Luckily, BoB ends up having a big offense in the southwest with all their trow and half their fetch. The problem is, they aren't nearly as agressive as they have to be, and their fetch kind of sit around as their trow get whittled down. Aesir splits their trow up and ends up winnning the battle in the northeast.

Anyway, BoB ends up getting down about 45% to Aesir's 55%, and although the percents are close, BoB doesn't really have a chance of winning the game. Of course, rather than save points by retreating, BoB wastes their remaining units to kill 10% of Aesir's units. Disappointingly, Aesir eliminates BoB with 41% left

Game Three - fr Smells

This game was probably the most disappointing for BoB. BoB goes heavy on melee and dwarves, while Aesir gets more archers.

Aesir just kind of plays some kind of a BC war on every flank, while BoB sends a few herons into Aesir's backfield. This little heron group takes out a couple of lightly-defended Aesir flags to get BoB the victory imminent. Unfortunately for BoB, their main flanks get slowly BCed by Aesir. BoB makes all kinds of sorry mistakes in these fights, such as failing to rush a bunch of confused melee in the west, trying to fight a battle with only dwarves and melee against a mixed Aesir force on open ground in the east, etc.

Moonshade's little heron group ends up facing off against a small Aesir defending force of a few useless ghasts, a dwarf, and 2 herons at Aesir's last flag. Moonshade could have probably just rushed it and won the game, but for some reason he decides not to. The opportunity goes away as Gultrum goes back to reinforce the flag. Although Gultrum probably made a good move there, J-Ditty yells at him in all-caps for the rest of the game to go on offense - despite the fact that there isn't enough time left in the game for poor Gultrum to even reach BoB's last flag.

BoB makes a valiant attempt at saving the game at their last flag. They're down by about 20%, but Aesir has to leave a bunch of units defending their last flag, so Aesir really doesn't have all that much of an advantage. BoB manages to keep a nearly-dead dwarf alive for the rest of the game, and this little slugger manages to pick off Aesir's last warlock. This makes it about even - 7 warriors, a heron, a few archers, and a dwarf guarding against Aesir's 4 herons, 2 archers, and a dwarf. However, due to a combination of bad meleeing, and their dwarf failing to fire at the attacking herons, Aesir ends up taking the flag with just one heron left. All in all, a real head-slapper of a game for BoB. Aesir wins the match with a close 5-point win.
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