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Match 3T04 - Top Bracket
Iron Chef defeats Cirque du Soulblighter 73-60
Review by Cruiser
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These teams obviously suck. Neither team has won every game they played. And everybody knows that both chefs and clowns suck, no matter what. These were still some very close games, and if you wanna see some great play by both teams, I'd suggest watching these films

Game One - Capture the Flag on Caer Light

The game starts with Bozo complaining about sound troubles, but 3-balls insists that he "hurry up and fix them." IC prepares full melee, including two journeymen and max pus. However, the clowns get a more balanced trade, with very few thrall.

Head gets IC's max thrall and wights and wonders what the other team is saying about him. Well, nothing yet<sum>After wights are healed, however, someone finally notices that Head has 37% of IC's units, and they expect a rush. Head is mid with his six arcs and thrallmeat pack. The rest flank with pus and wars.

The north chef flank quickly pushes, but all Cirque flanks respond, holding them off. This, however, allows all chefs to converge on the happy clown flag, and it isn't long before they run over the cirque base with their thrall and warriors. Cirque can't get a big enough contest on the IC flag, so IC shuts this game out.

Takeshi: follow em head
Head: pushing like a woman in labour

(If that's an old joke, bah to you - I haven't heard it before)

Game One - Capture the Flag on Caer Light

IC goes with the same strat! Well, it worked the first time. However, Cirque switches it up a lot: rush north, normal mid, and small south, with only three exploding thrall worth of pus.

Well, it turns out not to be much of a rush north. In fact, it's more of a melee standoff. But eventually, Sakai's pus freezes Ho Jangles' warrriors, and Masa Morimoto cleans up. Despite having less melee on that flank, IC does a great job with pus to take it.

3-balls sneaks a mixed force to IC's flag, but IC has time to swing its middle forces down to help. No problem. At this point, IC is way up in percentage, and they soon steal Cirque's big happy flag. IC keeps them from contesting again to shut em out.

Masa: the wars are goping back
Head: who's groping who?

note: Head must be the only funny one because he has both of the quotes of the game so far.

Game Three - Flag Rally on Lichen

No reinforcements? This sucks. Cirque gets hella warriors and dwarves, with a few warriors and two wights. IC gets lots of wars, ghols, and thrall, with max pus and a couple of arcs as well. Apparently, Cirque likes IC's battle cry, as they shout it, as well.

Both teams use similar "16 dong" strategies, with heavy artillery on IC's pyramid. Due to carelessness on 3-balls' part, IC almost takes Cirque's pyramid flag right of the bat. However, 3-balls finally wakes up and kicks Head out. Chen's big useless ghol pack turns out to be instead quite useful as he takes the base flag.

Kaga then comes at 3-balls from another side, but he, too, is driven off, then chased. 3-balls takes every remaining flag with his jugger, going to each IC flag. Meanwhile, m0bi and Ho Jangles kill everything that tries to attack their flag.

Cirque 6-4

No quote of the game. Fuck.

Game Three - Flag Rally on Lichen

IC gets more archers this time, plus another dwarf. Cirque gets about the same trade as last game, but they heal their wights. =(

Cirque shouts "BON APETIT" at the beginning of the game this time, although most don't spell it right. IC quickly surrounds Cirque's pyramid, and IC's flank also pushes SE.

Hilight of the match: Mori's general casts the spell thingy on a dead archer's body, flinging the body into onto a mountain. Nice work! IC's north keeps pushing and takes all north flags, but at the same time, Cirque's south pushes and gets victory eminent, with the help of a ghol catching the lone north IC thrall off guard. But that's all they can take. IC brings their north flank down to kill the last flag.

IC 6-5

Ho Jangles: this film is dedicated to pregnant women everywhere
3-balls: like sting's mom after last night ;(

Nothing like killing on your own team =)
(fy Chris)

Game Five - Assassin on Trow NUT

Ho Jangles declares that he's "hungry for death." That's always good.

Surprisingly, both teams go with a triple flank with trows in the middle. Cirque gets the west start, so they put their peasants on their convenient little hill. IC puts their peasants under their middle hill, guarded by soulless and mauls.

A big gay warlock and dwarf fight ensues. Cirque's north allows IC to cross, for some reason. Head is given mauls mid without knowing about it, and his mauls are obliterated ten seconds after he gets them. IC goes down about 10% to Cirque, and their peasants are forced to run. However, they get steamrolled by seventeen thousands mauls.

Cirque 10-0

Takeshi: that sucked
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