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Match 2T00 - Top Bracket
TeAm AnGrY FaCe defeats Legacy 80-12
Review by Zeus
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Lg played decent Myth. Decent didn't cut it. Except for some time in the 2nd game and a short while in the 5th game, they never threaten 12inch.

Game One - The Dark Canyon captures

Both teams get the usual non-"Captain Obvious" trades (if you did those strats, let me know)...max spids and souls (hi, they dominate this map/game), 3 trow (duh) and the rest a mix of zerks and some heros and fetch. Both teams get 0 mauls.

Lg starts south, but doesn't manage to get the usual 6 balls you should have to get from south. In fact, they get only 4 balls, making the ballcount 7-4 to 12inch.

12Inch split their trow mid, west and east, Lg sent 2 trow west, and 1 trow mid. This leaves east without a trow on the Lg side, and Ramirez of 12inch takes advantage of this by sneaking his trow up into the Lg backfield. Lg pushes their west and rushes 12inch there, but don't do enough damage. 12inch's mid then pinches the Lg mid with the help of Ramirez' trow, and the 4 Lg balls are soon captured. 11-0 in balls.

Game Two - The Dark Canyon captures

Same trades. Lg has now played this map at least once, and it shows. They start south and are a bit quicker to the balls, and with the help of some unwatched dribblers on the 12inch side get 7 balls to 12inches 4. They decide to just hold with the help of those BIG hills. Lg perhaps makes the mistake of letting 12inch on their side of the canyon, removing a lot of the terrain advantage...12inch stays cool, secures their 4 balls on a mid hill, and moves in on Lg. What follows is not pretty, as 12inch surrounds and overwhelms Lg. 11-0 in balls

Game Three - The Barrens LMotH

The adventures of "Biggus Dickus" the warlock (X-rated)

Biggus Dickus woke up one day, and after a healty 12inch morning erection went to see his friend Flatline.
"Howdi mate, you feel like raping some Lg ass?" said Flatline.
"Sure thing!", replied Biggus Dickus.

So let it be written, so let it be done, and soon enough Biggus Dickus engaged Lg on The Barrens.

Biggus Dickus first catch of the day is a pair of unlucky mortars who weren't quite awake yet and forgot to arm their mortars. A dud later and 2 morts are dead.

"This is fun", says Flatline, but I bet you can't kill those archers.
"Watch me", replies Biggus Dickus unfazed.
Biggus Dickus releases a fireball, and 2 archers bite the dust. Another fireball, another archer. Another fireball, another archer.
"WTF you guys...theres nothing left to kill", says Biggus Dickus to the rest of 12inch in dismay.
"Aww shit, and I was just getting started" seconds Flatline.
"Screw you Flatline and Biggus Dickus", replies the rest of 12inch.
And they did, but I doubt WS will let me relate that in detail here :(.

Disclaimer: This story might not have been 100% factual. Sue me.

Recap: Watch Flatline in this film...impressive performance.

Game Four - The Barrens LMotH

Pretty much the same as last game happens: Lg loses twice as many units as 12inch. For a while Lg had a nice flank going on the east side, but it fails to do much damage.
Watch this film if you want to see a lot of deadly projectiles going back and forth.

Game Five - Calm before the Storm Flag Rally

Lg starts north, 12inch south. Both teams get a lot of archers, 12inch goes semi-"real man" with no pus.

Lg sends 16 archers to flank southwest, and 12inch is pushed back there. The archers are controlled by the guys without custom formations though, and they die at the hands of a smaller archerforce. Lg is up for a short while in flags, but 12inch keeps the edge in percentages. They never really let it slip, and take the game relatively easy.
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