Player Statistics
Games Attended:3
Record (W/T/L):0/0/3
Games Captained:3
Record (W/T/L):0/0/3
Kills - Losses:10-83
Best Game:1-8
Damage / Game:45
Best Game:74
Bet Pool Accur:17.3
Bet Pool Total:174
Bet Pool Rank:119th
Organ Donor
Login: organdonor
Team: United Mythers
Real Name:

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Was once ranked in the top 100 in Assassian during the years. Fear the duff.
Threat Assessment - Grim
Familiar name, but I can't think of anything to write about him.
Threat Assessment - Dantski
I haven't had the privelige to play many games with him, so I can only guess at a high 1 for now. Seems to be the driving force behind the team.
Threat Assessment - tiger
I don't know this player
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