Player Statistics
Games Attended:14
Record (W/T/L):10/2/2
Games Captained:0
Record (W/T/L)://
Kills - Losses:94-72
Best Game:13-5
Damage / Game:63
Best Game:131
Bet Pool Accur:1.8
Bet Pool Total:38
Bet Pool Rank:16th
avaLogin: dante
Team: Northern Pallywankers
Real Name: ava
Location: ava

Favorite Map: ava
Favorite Game: ava
Favorite Unit: ava

dante is #¤%&% kridiot
Threat Assessment - Grim
Dante plays AvA. Like, alot of AvA.

He sucks.
Threat Assessment - Dantski
Dante has been playing wayyyyyyy too much AvA and WW2 to be much good anymore. But since rust is a myth he'll probably do his thing well.
Threat Assessment - tiger
Dante was a very good Myth player. However, for the last year or so, you rarely will see Dante doing anything else but trying to be an average WW2 player. I expect that if he tried, however, it would not take long for him to be a solid member of NP’s championship-contending team taking role player units.
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