Player Statistics
Games Attended:17
Record (W/T/L):7/0/10
Games Captained:0
Record (W/T/L)://
Kills - Losses:76-146
Best Game:11-4
Damage / Game:53
Best Game:157
Bet Pool Accur:3.4
Bet Pool Total:41
Bet Pool Rank:82nd
khan                     a
Login: mature
Real Name: Michael Khan
Location: Brazil

Favorite Map: trow classic(tfl)
Favorite Game:
Favorite Unit: legendary duff
Brazillian player, who actually can speak some english, although i've learned it inside Myth. Well, i never said rabish about Myth 2, as Grim thinks, i actually like it pretty much. Played tfl before coming to m2. Used to play alot until 2002.. but now i am really rusty . Cya

Photo Log

mwc04 - evil
mwc05 - inbreeds (didnt showed)
Threat Assessment - Grim
I think Khan is one of those "m2 reg sucks" people these days. I might be thinking of some other old Agents guy though. As a player he wont be d0nging you out any time soon.

Update: He has expressed his wishes that he does not want to be associated with them m2 haters.
Threat Assessment - Dantski
khan is a fairly unspectacular player. He is capable of handling smaller roles (artillery + melee) quite well sometimes, but will not be rolling over anyone good.
Threat Assessment - tiger
Khan's a pretty good player who has been inactive. I expect him to play a big role for THOR's team if he's sticking around. Mid two baller till he gets active again.
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