Player Statistics
Games Attended:3
Record (W/T/L):3/0/0
Games Captained:0
Record (W/T/L)://
Kills - Losses:18-21
Best Game:6-1
Damage / Game:60
Best Game:104
Bet Pool Accur:1.8
Bet Pool Total:50
Bet Pool Rank:11th
Mr Tree
Going to the World Cup, hope my team is still in MWC when I get back....Login: mrtree
Real Name:
Location: Australia

Favorite Map:
Favorite Game:
Favorite Unit: Hose
I've been playing myth on and off for 7 years now. Used to be only FFA but got over that phase. I play everything these days, only way to get a game. Played two partial MWCs and some smaller ffa tournies but have never had a tourney where the rest of my life hasn't stopped me from playing matches, like this MWC. (Going to Germany for World Cup)

I suffer from always getting shitty units in big games, usually only a problem on dark maps. Maybe if I had more an ego I'd pull better units. I fucking hate it when a team loses for stupid reasons, like miscommunication or not listening to team mates, or being impatient, instead of having the other team out play them, thats fine.

I am a better strat-maker and captain then I am micro-manager or multi-tasker with units.

I plan to act as translator for THOR's team and to not pus my own units during this MWC. Lets see if it can be done!
Threat Assessment - Grim
I don't know his player.
Threat Assessment - Dantski
Mr Tree is an Australian who was a minor part of a relatively unsuccessful NFD team last year.

With this roster, he will be handling few units and will likely go unnoticed most games while doing ok.
Threat Assessment - tiger
Mr. Tree was as solid as Covert not long ago, but at this point his lack of activity has rendered him a sub-average player.
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