Player Statistics
Games Attended:28
Record (W/T/L):17/1/10
Games Captained:20
Record (W/T/L):11/0/9
Kills - Losses:190-256
Best Game:19-1
Damage / Game:46
Best Game:119
Bet Pool Accur:N/A
Bet Pool Total:N/A
Bet Pool Rank:N/A
Login: Hannibalsyn
Team: The Wight Foundation
Real Name:

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None submitted.
Threat Assessment - Grim
Hanni, like most of the players in this team, has not been very active. He used to be pretty good though so I doubt those skills have gone anywhere. Years of inactivness will hurt him though.
Threat Assessment - Dantski
Hannibal returned to myth a while back, only to go AFK shortly afterwards.

Rusty roleplayer, low 3
Threat Assessment - tiger
Hannibal rocks my socks.
Threat Assessment - Wight Slayer
Hannibal is an excellent player, and has been showing up for matches.  I might have given him a high 3 balls, but with his attendance he may turn out to be the hvi hitur this year.
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