Player Statistics
Games Attended:28
Record (W/T/L):18/0/10
Games Captained:1
Record (W/T/L):1/0/0
Kills - Losses:234-188
Best Game:22-1
Damage / Game:73
Best Game:187
Bet Pool Accur:N/A
Bet Pool Total:N/A
Bet Pool Rank:N/A
Login: kuri
Team: NFD ft. fcomm
Real Name:

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None submitted.
Threat Assessment - Grim
Kuri is also an Fcomm player. He has remained active like most of the players in this team. He is an average player with few moments of greatness, but he usually isn't capable of competing with four ball players in the same way as Crc and Duan are.
Threat Assessment - Dantski
Kuri is one of those players who will not be winning NFD games, but playing well nonetheless.
Threat Assessment - tiger
Kuri is a pretty good player. High two balls.
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