Player Statistics
Games Attended:23
Record (W/T/L):10/0/13
Games Captained:10
Record (W/T/L):5/0/5
Kills - Losses:144-220
Best Game:14-2
Damage / Game:39
Best Game:89
Bet Pool Accur:2.3
Bet Pool Total:40
Bet Pool Rank:41st
Mad Dog     ·rma·
Login: maddog
Team: Below Minimum Wage
Real Name: Jason
Location: York PA  and Troy NY USA

Favorite Map: Warsong Gulch
Favorite Game: CTF
Favorite Unit: Paladin
I don't even remember how to play this game.

I have 6/8 Tier 1 though.
Threat Assessment - Grim
Mad dog was the other organizer for the infamous mwc05. He has b participated numerous ffa tournaments with an ok success. Mad dog as in ok player and is probably one of this teams finest, but  he wont be d0nging any of the four ball players.
Threat Assessment - Dantski
MD may take the burden of organising this team if Ascot goes mute. A slightly more solid captain than Ascot, he will probably drag this team to a respectable showing.

2.5 ballz
Threat Assessment - tiger
Mad Dog wasn't the best MWC organizer, but I can't fault him for trying. He's also not a premiere Myth talent, but he'll hold his own against average opponents.
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