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Match Q128 - Qualifying Round
Havin' a Blast defeats Even Idiots Can Win 46-32
Review by Chen Kenichi
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While not a film displaying two powerhouses, the match certainly had its fair share of hilarity. The ~idiots~ showed original strats each game while the HB played the basic 3 prongs, with few exceptions. Sometimes originality isn't a good thing, however... The ~idiots~ managed to dominate the desert game off of errors, but lacked "l337 skillz" on trow which led to their untimely demise. The cracks could have gone either way, and at one point the ~idiots~ should have won. Btw, I'm not witty and I don't plan on becoming witty.

Game One - [Stampede] [Desert]

Both teams get the standard units, except HB decides to get no pus and a lot of ghols, while ~idiots~ opt for 4 wights of pus. The game starts and HB sets a three prong with an interesting (and illogical) ghol rush north while camping at flag with the rest. The ~idiots~ have a 2 prong north/south with a very small delaying mid. Korgath of the ~idiots~ gets pushed back and Monty HB decides to pincer south along mate Gizmo. Shlort and Sir Boar take advantage of the HB's poor communication south and fight through the pincer and ultimately win, dispite some very comical mishaps. The ~idiots~ push north back to the HB camped army controlled by Boogerman and win a close match with the aid of Korgath's pus. The ~idiots~ pigs south cross through mid and are escorted north as well.
Summary Even though the ~idiots~ had a weaker strategy, they won the game by taking advantage of the poor communication from HB.
MVP: Korgath and Shlort
Honorable mention: Avenger, he had a ghol brigade that was small and rather deadly.

Idiots 17 pigs - HB non

Game Two - [Territories] [If I had a Trow...]

HB went for a traditional 3 prong (more traditinal, anyway, sending a small 4 myrk tag south). The ~idiots~ decide to send 2 mortars avec 2 trow north. HB's 3 trow/myrk flank quickly pushes the ~idiots~ mid, although the ~idiots~ trower Korgath had a pretty good trade. Pretty soon the all mid strat of the ~idiots~ turns ugly. The only fight, mid, turns in favor of HB largely because of a lock shot from Evildead, and his 22 vet warlock. The HB dominate the projectile field and win a large melee fight which causes the ~idiots~ to fold. Not as well played for the ~idiots~ as the previous game, but all in all a good fight.

HB 6 flags - Idiots none
Game Three - [Flag Rally] [Cracks in the Cloudspine]

The ~idiots~ get almost identical trades as HB except pus. Monty's ghol rushes a secondary flag of the ~idiots~ and gets an early tag, making it 5-4. Since the ~idiots~ west is on offence and pushing back towards the HB flag, all units are west or east guarding. As a result, an HB group heads through mid without resistance and sacks the ~idiots~ home flags. It's all up to the ~idiots~ last guard. Outnumbered, he manages for about 5 minutes to fight off a pincer from the east and the south that slipped through and tagged home. In this time the west offence of the ~idiots~ captures the west secondary flag and goes for the HB home. Had the ~idiots~ not sent about 20 melee units at the 4 thrall that protected the home flags, they'd of been able to sack the secondary east flag in time. But no, and the HB rush the last ~idiots~ flag, and defeat the ~idiots~ 8 to 7 in flags, respectively.

MVP: Those guys east guarding, they beat off the south flank but didn't have enough left over for the west one.
MVP: Monty and his fast ghol tagger.

Good match, HB and ~idiots~, and luck to you both in the future.
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