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Match Q003 - Qualifying Round
Men of Rohan defeats Ferocious Newbies 58-12
Review by Heal w Steel
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Not a great set of films to watch if you're looking for a close match, or a tactically perfect slaughter. Both teams had their moments of pussing themselves, running pigs blindly into archers, etc. MoR had a few people missing, but still had the talent to overcome the bumbles and get a big win. When the action is this bad, what do you do? Look for some great lines in the chat..

Game One - [Stampede] [Desert]

Both teams went with less than max pigs, and split them up into 2 or 3 groups. MoR went heavy on arcs, duffs and pus while fn nixed some of the pus for, um, thrall. The comedy was light as fn bumrushed wars into duffs and pigs into arcs. Not to be outdone, MoR lost a pig when they assumed a flag was open and sent an unprotected pack of swine towards it. When it was done MoR had nuked all the fn pigs, but fn had won the one liner award. Focus: "The Mad Cow rush almost worked

Game Two - [Territories] [If I had a Trow]

When a team like MoR is kicking themselves for making mistakes, pity the poor team lined up opposite them on a map with trow and warlocks. Monte and Tuko split the trow and registered some ungodly damage as they split S and Mid. Poor Retlas was left twiddling his thumbs at the N flag and never saw the enemy. fn gets the one liner award again, however. Meeper: "I'd rather be a marine in Aliens"

Game Three - [Flag Rally] [Cracks]

This game was the tale of Mad Monte and Twelve Devil Burning Wind. Lag seemed to hit the game, or Tuko was out having a butt while his troops played coy in the MoR fortress entry. MoR swept up the sides and descended on the fn outside flags. Mad Monte started showing off and sacrificed a satch carrying ghol in a burst of flame and fn gibs. fn sacrificed their 2nd outside flag, but got cut down in retreat. When MoR entered the fn base, archers were pelting them from above. No problem, Twelve Devil Burning Wind, no relation to The Shoveler in Mystery Men, strolled on up and took them out. The fn base fell and MoR took the last flag. One liner award? Poor Retlas of MoR. Once again delegated to unchallenged flag duty, he moaned, "wake me when we've won"
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