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Match 5E03 - Elimination Round
Monkey Island defeats Triple Nipple 54-13
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Game 1: Territores on Caer Cadarn (Trow)  18-0
Monkey Island Triple Nipple 
Rum Rodgers (monkeyspank)16:14Zodiac (THEZODIAC)9:33
Elaine Marley (chimchim)32:1Bullseye (Bullseye)12:32
Palido Domingo (stampy)16:5Chico (chico)6:18
FlyingWelshman (MadChicken)10:6  
Slappy Cromwell (kofmalkier)7:2  
Game 2: Captures on Barbarian Valley (Light)  15-0
Monkey Island Triple Nipple 
Drunk Ghost (Wasingham)6:1Bullseye (Bullseye)0:18
Palido Domingo (stampy)12:0Zodiac (THEZODIAC)7:5
Elaine Marley (chimchim)4:0Chico (chico)3:1
Rum Rodgers (monkeyspank)1:5Leif (leif)3:1
FlyingWelshman (MadChicken)1:0  
Slappy Cromwell (kofmalkier)1:7  
Game 3: Flag Rally on The Untamed Lands (2x2 ally)  21-13
Monkey Island Triple Nipple 
Elaine Marley (chimchim)32:11Bullseye (Bullseye)7:16
Slappy Cromwell (kofmalkier)3:9Leif (leif)5:8
Rum Rodgers (monkeyspank)1:8  
Build time: 14ms