Player Statistics
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Damage / Game:N/A
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Bet Pool Accur:N/A
Bet Pool Total:N/A
Login: tehturd
Marius Login:
Team: CobraKongCommandos: Castlefight Series
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None submitted.
Threat Assessment - one meeeeleeyun zombles!ยก
Been very active lately, waiting in the lobby for his time to strike unsuspecting rankers. Will probably be this team's go to power hitter when things needs killin'. If he ever randoms onto my team again i'm dropping. High four.
Threat Assessment -  Sgt. STARPOWER WIN''DIESEL''
Currently planning on firebombing tiger's house.

''Kilgrat'', former ABW member (the order has been banned as of late) is an extremely aggressive player. He'll usually push hard, and most likely win. Sometimes his aggressive play can hurt his team, but usually it will clinch games. Important player.
Threat Assessment - penos
Kilgrath has not been too active, but I've see him on lately and can only presume that he's been warming up. He paticularly shines in 2v2's but is a good addition to this roster and will handle any role given to him just fine.
Threat Assessment - Nemean Lion
Kilg is a specialty player.  While he may not excel with a large set of mixed units, he is absolutely amazing with a smaller set of the right units. i.e. give him a trow and he will kill everything in sight.  He is one of, if not the, best trower in the game.  If you see his giants coming, run and hide or he will leave you in bloody pieces.  He is the heavy hitter on this team.
Threat Assessment - grim
Kilgrath is a player, who I think had a lobotomy done last year. His personality has changed pretty radically. These days he is a rather quiet person, who just plays well. Back in the days he was a loud person, who played well.

The main point is that he can play well.
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