Player Statistics
Games Attended:23
Record (W/T/L):18/0/5
Games Captained:11
Record (W/T/L):8/0/3
Kills - Losses:98-149
Best Game:10-0
Damage / Game:42
Best Game:116
Bet Pool Accur:N/A
Bet Pool Total:N/A
ODIN! Guide our ships!Login: yodacat
Marius Login:
Team: ThunderCox
Real Name:

Favorite Map: Blade's Edge Arena
Favorite Game: Freecell
Favorite Unit: my own.
None submitted.
Threat Assessment - one meeeeleeyun zombles!ยก
I actually saw him on a few days ago, perhaps a precursor to inactivity, or quitting myth forever.

People say hes a good capt but I never really saw him give a lot of orders or move people around much, I probably just wasn't paying attention.
Threat Assessment -  Sgt. STARPOWER WIN''DIESEL''
Yodacat, probably my favourite login on myth. He's still shedding off rust, as he has only become active recently. Probably will be doing the captaining on this team, he has a good eye, and should lead this team through fire, rain, hail, blah blah blah. 3 balls for now.
Threat Assessment - penos
Threat Assessment - Nemean Lion
Haven't seen him play since last MWC.. but he did pretty good then, and seems to be a very capable captain.  Not sure how often he will be able to demonstrate this ability with Rabican on the team this year...
Threat Assessment - grim
Storm hasn't actually played this game at all since MWC2001. The only games he shows up to are tournament games. This long period inactivness means that his unit handling skills aren't really top notch, but his game eye is better than most four ballers in this tournament have. He is likely to captain a game or two.
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