Player Statistics
Games Attended:8
Record (W/T/L):0/0/8
Games Captained:4
Record (W/T/L):0/0/4
Kills - Losses:64-128
Best Game:16-11
Damage / Game:47
Best Game:138
Bet Pool Accur:N/A
Bet Pool Total:N/A
I love Burkhas
Login: Ravener
Marius Login:
Team: Elfoids Newb Army
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None submitted.
Threat Assessment - one meeeeleeyun zombles!ยก
This player was only moderately worse than the elite of the elephriends. Sadly, I haven't seen him play in quite a long time and I don't think he really intends to. A moderately moderate 3/5 balls.
Threat Assessment -  Sgt. STARPOWER WIN''DIESEL''
If he applies himself capable of 4 ball play. However, too inactive to deserve anything but 3 balls for now.
Threat Assessment - Nemean Lion
Will, if he shows up, will help this team tremendously.  He is the best player on this team, but has been quite inactive since around this time last year.  If he shows, I expect him to take the role of heavy hitter.
Threat Assessment - grim
Oh neat, Will is back! This is second tournament with TFS. Last year he was one of this teams best players, and I doubt much has changed since then. Will has been playing for a long time now and has improved since he started (well duh). He will most likely be handeling the heavy hitting duty for this team. Low to mid three.
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