Player Statistics
Games Attended:13
Record (W/T/L):9/0/4
Games Captained:0
Record (W/T/L)://
Kills - Losses:111-59
Best Game:17-1
Damage / Game:64
Best Game:186
Bet Pool Accur:N/A
Bet Pool Total:N/A
Login: asharak
Marius Login:
Team: The Syndicate
Real Name:

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None submitted.
Threat Assessment -  Sgt. STARPOWER WIN''DIESEL''
Ash should be a pretty solid role player for this squad. He's been playing for a long time now, so he knows the drill. 3 balls.
Threat Assessment - penos
asharak of aesir had a terrible blunder last year which cost his team the game vs DET. just because all of his puss and dwarves dudded though doesn't mean he's too bad at myth, just unlucky. an avg 3.
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