Player Statistics
Games Attended:21
Record (W/T/L):11/0/10
Games Captained:16
Record (W/T/L):9/0/7
Kills - Losses:117-152
Best Game:12-2
Damage / Game:45
Best Game:169
Bet Pool Accur:N/A
Bet Pool Total:N/A
T'ai Kung
Login: taikung
Marius Login:
Team: Wacky Delly
Real Name:

Favorite Map:
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None submitted.
Threat Assessment - one meeeeleeyun zombles!ยก
O slender as a willow-wand! O clearer than clear water!
O reed by the living pool! Fair river-daughter!
O spring-time and summer-time, and spring again after!
O wind on the waterfall, and the leaves' laughter!

Old Tai Kung is a merry fellow;
Bright blue his jacket is, and his boots are yellow.

Tai is from poop, but there is no poop team this year, so now tai is here. As a player tai is probably right around the middle, he can either play solid or have an oh god why moment, nobody can predict it.

This will probably be the best team he has played on yet, how he mixes with the new faces will be interesting to see.
Threat Assessment -  Sgt. STARPOWER WIN''DIESEL''
Tai really needs to work on his in game awareness. He possesses enough knowledge of the game, but tends to lapse into tunnel vision that can be detrimental to the team. If he's on his game, however, he should be a decent role player for this team.
Threat Assessment - penos
TAIKUNG is a wise floridian who made about a million macros for WoW. however, he doesn't play wow anymore and can usually be found playing myth at least once a day. I'm not sure why he left 12 tasks, but he'll probably do a better job and get more stuff here. is better with light units and FFAs.
Threat Assessment - Nemean Lion
Tai Kung is a pretty decent player that I expect will bring some solid role playing to this team. He may also interpret that wrong, and show up to matches dressed as a french maid.  ::shrug:: Only time will tell.
Threat Assessment - grim
Tai is a nice guy, who sometimes gets worked up from something and lashes out on people. He is also one of the more team oriented players from the old Poop squad, who has not entered this tournament this year. Low three.
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