Player Statistics
Games Attended:23
Record (W/T/L):6/2/15
Games Captained:3
Record (W/T/L):0/0/3
Kills - Losses:173-228
Best Game:13-4
Damage / Game:74
Best Game:186
Bet Pool Accur:N/A
Bet Pool Total:N/A
Don't believe everything you think!Login: Frumius
Marius Login:
Team: Order of H'Pak
Real Name: Frumius

Favorite Map:
Favorite Game: Myth
Favorite Unit: Mine
'Twas in a brillig age and the realm of myth that the man called Frumius rose to greatness as a Leader of Men and Slayer of the Fallen. Known as the Mob, his fearsome armies' favorite tactic was to fool the enemy with an appearance of undisciplined, wild disarray (hence "mob")--only to transform into a highly disciplined and unstoppable force of utter destruction that would sweep away all resistance in its path. Frumius' eternal soul has returned in these times to guide his new legions against all those who oppose him: Beware the Frumius Mob!

(note: Frumius' tactics from that bygone age have become so well known and respected that there has been an adjective added to our language in his honor--"frumious," the meaning of which one may glean from the context in which it is used).
Threat Assessment -  Sgt. STARPOWER WIN''DIESEL''
Ah, frum. Frum is a great team player. He is a fun guy, who really seems like the last bastion of maturity in this highly juvenile world of sex-starved myth addicts. He's listens quite well, and packs some decent skills. As Dantski put it, he isn't quite on that 3 ball level yet. I'll leave him as a high, high 2, with a potential upgrade pending on play.
Threat Assessment - grim
He likes to post that Frumius Wightblast manoveur everywhere. I think he mostly sticks to unranked play, so I don't really know him all too well as a player. He has been playing for a long time though, and probably is one of the key players for this team.
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