Player Statistics
Games Attended:19
Record (W/T/L):3/2/14
Games Captained:0
Record (W/T/L)://
Kills - Losses:65-162
Best Game:8-3
Damage / Game:32
Best Game:77
Bet Pool Accur:N/A
Bet Pool Total:N/A
All my life I wanted to be somebody.  Now I realize I should have been more specific.Login: vinylrake
Marius Login:
Team: Order of H'Pak
Real Name: vinyl rake

Favorite Map: too many to mention
Favorite Game: Bacon...mmmm...tasty bacon...
Favorite Unit: Any that cause explosions
(sung to <a href=> this tune </a>)

Born on a mountain top in Muirthemne,
lushest state in the land of the free.
Raised in the woods so’s he knew every tree. Killed him a bear when he was only three.

Vinyl, Vinyl Rake - King of the Myth Frontier.

He fought single-handed through the Great War, 'till the evil was whipped and peace was restored.
And while he was handling this risky chore,
made himself a legend, forevermore.

Vinyl, Vinyl Rake - the man who don’t know fear.

Well, he heard about Shiver and The Summmoner so, to the Cloudspine mountains, he just had to go
Where freedom was fightin’ another foe and they needed him at the city of Shoal.

Vinyl, Vinyl Rake, King of the Myth Frontier.

His land is biggest, and his land is best from grassy plains to the mountain crest.
He’s ahead of us all in meeting the test.  Followin’ his legend right into the West.

Vinyl, Vinyl Rake, King of the Myth Frontier.  King of the Myth Frontier.
Threat Assessment -  Sgt. STARPOWER WIN''DIESEL''
I have seen this guy in reg games, and he is aware of the basics. I'm going to give a high 1 right now, but I will upgrade him depending on his play.
Threat Assessment - grim
His name is familiar from the forums, but that's about all I can say about him.
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Build time: 9ms