Player Statistics
Games Attended:16
Record (W/T/L):1/0/15
Games Captained:6
Record (W/T/L):1/0/5
Kills - Losses:111-183
Best Game:39-4
Damage / Game:59
Best Game:137
Bet Pool Accur:N/A
Bet Pool Total:N/A
Login: carlos
Marius Login:
Team: Marmotas Assassinas
Real Name:

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None submitted.
Threat Assessment - one meeeeleeyun zombles!ยก
Don't know who he is. Didn't win a single game last year and his wightyscore is beyond horrible.
Threat Assessment -  Sgt. STARPOWER WIN''DIESEL''
One of the better players on this team, trained by none other than the great mentor, THOR.
Threat Assessment - penos
ravengard is probably this teams best player. if he remained active and wasn't on a shitty brazilian connection then maybe he could have gotten better.
he is a nice guy though, if that means anything.
Threat Assessment - Nemean Lion
Suffers from the same problems as Fidelix.  Has been playing for a long time but has not greatly improved.  Like Fidelix, and anyone for that matter, he would greatly benefit from playing among better players.  Low 2.
Threat Assessment - grim
I don't know this player, but I have this vague idea in my mind that he was in the KoC team back in the days.

If anybody remembers some of the ta's from the f.u.c.k tournament, some guy writing them predicted KoC to go as far as the Semi-Finals. Tee hee.
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