Player Statistics
Games Attended:8
Record (W/T/L):0/0/8
Games Captained:8
Record (W/T/L):0/0/8
Kills - Losses:71-174
Best Game:26-16
Damage / Game:63
Best Game:136
Bet Pool Accur:10.3
Bet Pool Total:118
Login: edhunter
Marius Login:
Team: Marmotas Assassinas
Real Name:

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None submitted.
Threat Assessment - one meeeeleeyun zombles!ยก
Jesus Christ his stats last year are horrendus.
Threat Assessment -  Sgt. STARPOWER WIN''DIESEL''
Can be seen in ranked reg games these days, pretty good at gimble. 2 balls.
Threat Assessment - penos
FIDELIX has the color red. he's not really good and i don't think he really ever pays attention.

i bet he has a nice smile though
Threat Assessment - Nemean Lion
Fidelix, like the rest of MA, seems to play the majority of his games with his ordermates.  This said, he has not reaped the benefits of playing with more experienced players and as such, has not improved very much over the course of his myth career :(  Lowwww 2.
Threat Assessment - grim
I don't know this player.
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