Common Sense - DE1: lets clump - penos
let's not. clumping is like a disease on myth, and too many people are infected. there are too many people retarded enough to clump their shit around ghols or engage in a melee and then clump their shit to engage in melee while ghols are around. people what the fuck are you thinking? (i don't know either)

todays article brings us with two teams. elfoid's noob army, respectively, TFS, vs HORNY ITALIANS, who are basically, as dante put it, italy's version of TFS in 04. Anyway our hero today is Youngsy, a proud member of TFS, he was a key player for thier team vs Np, #CP#, DESF and 5H17L157 last year, all should applaud when you lay your eyes on him.
the villian of our story is the nefarious Luigi, yes the warrior. Born in the streets of Sicily and thrown into the mob at an early age, Luigi knows what dirty work is and on this day in the battle field our young, freckle-faced, dyed haired, Sam Youngsy is put up against a mobster in a battle of wits and clicks.
They meet south east in Game 4 (Creep), luigi being the southern force. Youngsy crosses the water and Luigi goes to work, throwing the cement on all of youngsy's units except for one ghol. Warrior luigi doesn't lose a unit and kills youngsy's war/puss pack, which was practically identical. What did youngsy do wrong?
Well clumping all of your wars and ghols and running them away from 4 ghols, obviously loaded with puss, didn't help. To this day however, I'm not sure anyone will know.
Luigi's beat down didn't end there, after brutally clubbing the young boy down, he focused on a different kind of threat, The Elfoid.
And the rest is history.
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