Player Statistics
Games Attended:40
Record (W/T/L):27/0/13
Games Captained:0
Record (W/T/L)://
Kills - Losses:300-220
Best Game:20-4
Damage / Game:63
Best Game:221
Bet Pool Accur:1.9
Bet Pool Total:41
Bet Pool Rank:18th
Login: bram
Team: ThunderCox
Real Name:

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None submitted.
Threat Assessment - Grim
Teh Cavefroid was one of the key players in the Thundercox for many years. Now that there is no Tcox team this year, he's playing for this team. He hasn't really played that much for two years now, since Wow takes most of his gaming time. In the past few weeks he played alot however. He should be a valuable player for this team.
Threat Assessment - Dantski
Playing a lot of WoW won't stop Cave being as solid as ever. Only the best can stop this belgian.
Threat Assessment - tiger
Cave has four ball talent - it's too bad he's been playing World of Warcraft with the TCox guys all the time. If he decides to be truly active he will show why he helped lead TCox to the 2005 MWC finals.

Edit: Cave's active again. Bumped up to four balls.
Threat Assessment - Wight Slayer
Cave has been an important part of the TCox team ever since NML2 when they premiered.  He's a very strong player with a long history of success and good game awareness.
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