Player Statistics
Games Attended:14
Record (W/T/L):4/0/10
Games Captained:11
Record (W/T/L):3/0/8
Kills - Losses:127-142
Best Game:28-11
Damage / Game:70
Best Game:269
Bet Pool Accur:N/A
Bet Pool Total:N/A
Bet Pool Rank:N/A
Login: inferno
Team: Even Idiots Can Win
Real Name:

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None submitted.
Threat Assessment - Grim
This is the original inferno, not the one that played for agents during mwc04. Inf was used to be known as the "good" player from the idiots squad. I'm not really sure what his current condition is however, so I'm gonna give him high two balls, since he was a high three baller back in the days.
Threat Assessment - Dantski
Inferno went from totally inactive, to being Idiots primary captain (when Father Mac left). He has a good idea of the basic mechanics of this game and could prod this team past a DE round or so.
Threat Assessment - tiger
Inferno was at one point a three baller. Not anymore.
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