Player Statistics
Games Attended:14
Record (W/T/L):3/0/11
Games Captained:5
Record (W/T/L):1/0/4
Kills - Losses:134-258
Best Game:27-5
Damage / Game:38
Best Game:154
Bet Pool Accur:6.0
Bet Pool Total:76
Bet Pool Rank:96th
Make a hole!Login: zephirus
Team: Even Idiots Can Win
Real Name: Julien
Location: Longueuil

Favorite Map: Any FFA
Favorite Game: King of the hill
Favorite Unit: Dwarven Mortar
Playing as "Head" about three years ago, I used to be a very high ranked player on playmyth. Believe it or not, I stayed celest for a full 2 months and probably have the record for holding comet for the shortest time(about 3 mins) I took a good 2 years break and came back with the name Zephirus. Since then, pretty much everyone has forgotten about me. I admit it, I'm hasbeen :)
Orders : Taco, TSC, C4, Even Idiots Can Win
Mapmaking groups : Idiot Collective, Renaissance, The Onyx Warlords

Plugins and Maps : The Axis vs Allies series. WW3:Revolutions, Iron Trow Warrior for myth2
Currently developping The Final Vengeance with the Onyx Warlords

I really enjoy playing FFA Koth games and WW2. Sometimes I go in 2 teams, but I am not very good at them.
Threat Assessment - Grim
I recognize him from the forums, but that's just about the extent of my knowledge.
Threat Assessment - Dantski
Zeph pissed off an awful lot of WW2 players when he made AvA2.

He plays quite a large variation of myth stuff, but reg 2 team doesn't seem to feature much in that.
Threat Assessment - tiger
I don't know this player.
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