Player Statistics
Games Attended:11
Record (W/T/L):1/1/9
Games Captained:1
Record (W/T/L):1/0/0
Kills - Losses:46-113
Best Game:8-8
Damage / Game:56
Best Game:114
Bet Pool Accur:6.6
Bet Pool Total:75
Bet Pool Rank:98th
General Pepper
Login: Wardan
Team: Dwarven Mafia
Real Name:

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None submitted.
Threat Assessment - Grim
General pepper is one of those players who is using an annoyingly green color. He's been playing for a long time and just picked up the game again I believe. He's not great, but not that bad either.
Threat Assessment - Dantski
One of the Myth 3 guys I played with used to laugh a lot at Gen. Pepper. He is one of those players who has been around a long time, but has gone unnoticed because he doesn't really do anything.

FFA'er and not the best at it.
Threat Assessment - tiger
General Pepper is a decent low ranked player. No one will be scared of him, but he's not bad. Low two.
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