Player Statistics
Games Attended:16
Record (W/T/L):0/0/16
Games Captained:1
Record (W/T/L):0/0/1
Kills - Losses:64-158
Best Game:15-11
Damage / Game:41
Best Game:109
Bet Pool Accur:N/A
Bet Pool Total:N/A
Bet Pool Rank:N/A
Login: Gabba
Team: The United Front
Real Name:

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None submitted.
Threat Assessment - Dantski
Gabba mostly plays coop. I don't remember ever seeing her in a 2 team game and thats not helpful.
Threat Assessment - tiger
Gabba is one of the best coopers there is. She's from Nowhere, Canada, and could be an extremely valuable player on this team. High one ball since she doesn't play competitively much (she can't play ranked games).
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