Player Statistics
Games Attended:4
Record (W/T/L):4/0/0
Games Captained:0
Record (W/T/L)://
Kills - Losses:19-37
Best Game:10-4
Damage / Game:35
Best Game:50
Bet Pool Accur:4.3
Bet Pool Total:54
Bet Pool Rank:87th
Login: buckweaver
Team: gimble r'us
Real Name:

Favorite Map: Gimble
Favorite Unit: Strider!
Timmah came to prominence in 2003 when he first said 'hi' to me (Dants). After that his stature has steadily rose from being an obsessive gambler, to an all round stumbling wreck who now has had his myth license revoked

Speeding Fine -20 points
Compulsive Brigand Disorder -50 points
Grievous Bodily Spam  -25 points
JManslaughter  - 50 points

Timmah can now be found at most major subways across the country begging for M2sbr.
Threat Assessment - Grim
TIMMMAAAAHHHHHH is the only player in this tournament who has stolen his name from South park. He was playing for Gru for many, many, many, many years before this tournament. He was one of the key players for gru and I'm sure he's going to be one for this team too.
Threat Assessment - Dantski
Tim is an ok player and a leet really cool gru. He's a good person to have on the team, but his host might make me even worse.

high 2 ster

edit - *tosses poop at tim*
Threat Assessment - tiger
Timmah is a master at taking the archers in Mazz V. It’s too bad Mazz won’t be played in this year’s MWC. A GRU at heart, Timmah is a good bet to take artillery units for LRCG. Mid two-baller.
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