Player Statistics
Games Attended:13
Record (W/T/L):5/0/8
Games Captained:0
Record (W/T/L)://
Kills - Losses:57-77
Best Game:6-0
Damage / Game:27
Best Game:131
Bet Pool Accur:7.3
Bet Pool Total:88
Bet Pool Rank:101st
"Make way for the Dwarf!"Login: LankeyBean
Team: The Forgotten Shadows
Real Name: Sam Young
Location: England

Favorite Map: Raid On The Plains
Favorite Game: Last Man On The Hill
Favorite Unit: Myrkridia
I live under a bridge!!!
Threat Assessment - Grim
This guy gets mad quite often and starts yelling. Then he drops from the game.
Threat Assessment - Dantski
youngsy improves a bit every year. His skill isn't anything to write home about
Threat Assessment - tiger
Youngsy isn't very good at coop.
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