Player Statistics
Games Attended:27
Record (W/T/L):11/0/16
Games Captained:8
Record (W/T/L):5/0/3
Kills - Losses:226-236
Best Game:41-10
Damage / Game:67
Best Game:205
Bet Pool Accur:N/A
Bet Pool Total:N/A
Bet Pool Rank:N/A
Doug      TFS
Pies, mostlyLogin: Dougs
Team: The Forgotten Shadows
Real Name: Iain
Location: Scotland

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Threat Assessment - Grim
I think he's one of the better players from this team, but I don't believe he's that hawt either.
Threat Assessment - Dantski
Doug is the best remaining TFS player, he is also totally inactive. When he was last around, he was only playing WW2 so he's probably not as average as he was
Threat Assessment - tiger
Doug is a competent player against newbies but he shuts down against a mediocre opponent. THOR tells me he’s better than Elfoid. I believe him.
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