Player Statistics
Games Attended:27
Record (W/T/L):12/0/15
Games Captained:3
Record (W/T/L):1/0/2
Kills - Losses:175-216
Best Game:19-9
Damage / Game:51
Best Game:143
Bet Pool Accur:2.5
Bet Pool Total:52
Bet Pool Rank:52nd
The Elfoid
"Its time to roll the dice!"Login: TheElfoid
Team: The Forgotten Shadows
Real Name: Richard Warrell
Location: South West England

Favorite Map: teh trow
Favorite Game: fr
Favorite Unit: Trow/Lock
I'm about kicking ass and taking names.

I am a 2-ball player BOOHOOHOO! :(
Threat Assessment - Grim
TEH ELFROID hit the Myth community by storm back in 2004. After the whole TEH ELFROID thing he made a name for himself by spamming all the myth forums with long and well written forum posts, that still were rather annoying to read. He is one of the most known figures of the myth community these days, but as a player he isn't really too dangerous.

THOR TA: CARE ELFOID, a lot of training to you he/she makes bad, you had ended up playing worse, unhappily for you doesn't have repair.
Threat Assessment - Dantski
1. The Elfoid is annoying
2. He's a crappy player/captain
3. His Trow CTF strat isn't as good as he thinks it is.

He'll now spam the forum some more.

Lowest 2 possible was demoted to 1.
Threat Assessment - tiger
Elfoid is a nice guy with a big heart for Myth. It’s too bad he hasn’t used any of his massive amount of free time to become better at the game. In fact, he really sucks
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