Blunder of the Week - Week One: Bad Company - paris
Team Bad Company is new to the ever fading Myth tournament scene, much less regular myth in general. They don't practice shit, play ww2, raid, gfgg and ava all day long, and generally think they're good at everything myth. They are quite wrong. However, they don't get the blunder of the week because of lack of practice, they get it because of lack of intellgience.  Game Three, Veggie Tales vs Really Bad Company, Calm, Territories.

Bloodhound's units survey the scene, the situation is "grim". Being marched out onto the cold winter fields before the storm, they are not sure when they will return home to nice warm pots of porridge. The non-commissioned officers and grunts alike talk and strategize about the coming battle.

i do not think the image is loading
car crashed right now holy shitThe game begins, and they march towards thier unforeseen peril. Many are confused by the new circumstances.

Untitled4copy.jpgInfighting ensues the team, how are they to survive without trust?

AltThe soldiers march on and on despite poor conditions and poor morale.

Alt'Vetrans' talk about thier old days with their different form of warfare.

AltAbi commences his attack.

AltThinking quickly and critically, he devises a plan to take some enemy artilary out of comission.

AltThe troops use donations from the homeland whenever they can to help the situation.

AltThe plot is foiled!

AltScreecher makes a daring escape from the front lines.

AltAbi however, does not come out lucky.

AltHe is just another of the many casualties the Bad Company recieved during the Battle.

AltBloodhouse attempts to raise morale and demands his men to charge to protect the fallen spoils of war.

AltSquealer and Tormentor, however, have other ideas.

AltSquealer underfire from the enemy. Will his puss land home? Will he survive?

AltWithout a strong leader, courage, communication and faith, Bad Company loses thier men in battle.

Bloodhound probably did the best out of his entire team this game, getting the most damage and kills, but he also had the most losses.

I'd like to thank dante for helping me narrow down my choices for this week.
Other potential Canidates : Placid2 who did not stop bitching and Direct Effect, Asmodian losing two morts to one (i think he lost myrks too?) and Ghetto Cakes (or whatever the fuck GC is called)

p.s. a few seconds ago a car hit a telephone poll outside my house. holy shit lol.

recap : ok i was really messed up so to speak when i wrote this 5 hours ago and i still sorta am, but i think its enough that i don't have to redo it :(
for all of you bland people who don't know what the hell is going on, bloodhound didn't drop satchels (i guess this is whats supposed to be expected from a player who plays raid/ww2 or some retarded plugin every day) and then proceeds to walk all over it and lose almost 50% of his units, which upsets thier mid force. meanwhile the rest of bad company gets pussed to shit and brandon hex tries to be really strategical and smart but it would be best if no one listens to him. i don't really know if anyone did.

I expect all teams to learn and understand this concept by next week.

god i had to spell check this like twice :(
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