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Murray's Ramblings. - MurrayDaSkull
H A R for all you out there, here's the old skull with his report for the day.

We deny nothing and admit nothing!

This is a compilation and a short-version of MWC01.

The QR will decide who are goners and who are winners, but seeing how all the newbie teams and WWII converts are going to forfeit most of the stuff, we will end up only playing every second week and so, we can give the guys at Bungie some time to fix the crashing server that does so every once in a while.

For the major teams:

12" will just die. Henry and Flat will play every game and will die because of lag, the others will do the ego-battle of the year and every game ends up with the current ego taking 75% of the units.

Np will probably talk too much finnish and try to outsmart everyone using some clever tactic, but their captain will not trade within 5 minutes, they end up with default units and die horribly.

Syn will probably win a game or two, then change name, turn into some other team, and skipping the tournament.

gtm, they're still playing? well obviously. This will just be a big brawl and after 2 games of play half of the team leaves due to internal struggle and the rest claims the victory because of cheating hosts.

CI. They host the tournament, they will face 100% Forfeits, so sorry. They go on to the DE where they die due to lack of practice

Any other major team you miss? Yeah, there's lots of them. I dont have the time.

Oh yeah. Monkey Island. We wont do nothing but try to complete the H4X0R3D Monkey Island 4, and wont play a single game.

Someone mentioned fs? Hmm. Oh yes, they're in there.

They will do alright. Then they will lose to Aesir. Pretty standard. Must be a horrible thought, no? I mean. Twice in a row is bad.

/MurrayDaSkull - .mi.