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Top-10 players ever. - MurrayDaSkull
#1. Guybrush Threepwood.

A great outstanding player, seeing his extreme skills in Insult-sword-fighting, figuring out clever mysteries on strange islands, sailing and doing lots of other interesting stuff.

#2. Captain LeChuck

Our evil mastermind above all, LeChuck owns you all in the art of beeing the evilest pirate abound, no matter how many times you kill the bugger!

#3 MurrayDaSkull

I always survive, so I certainly deserve a place in the top-10. I think I first made my appearance on a graveyard pole, and I made one helluva show too!

#4 Elaine

Isnt she cute? Absolutly in ·mi· #3, where she turns into *gasp* gold! And our hero Guybrush Threepwood has to go save her!

#5 Captain Dread

Attitude, Rasta-mon, and a great speech. Our Captain Dread is a well-known character of the ·mi· games.

#6 The rest of the ·mi· team

Rapp Scallion
Flying Welshman
Mad Marty
Drunk Ghost
Ignatius Cheese
Palido Domingo
Rum Rodgers

Sorry if I forgot anyone.
And *wow*, do you know what?

No, I wont even tell you how many players we had in Mr. Bisons top-11 of the best players. M2SBR!

Mr. Bison, you know nothing, and Monkey Island 4 ( rox ) on YAZ AZZ.

/Murray da Skull of ·mi·