MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:19
Record (W/T/L):11/0/8
Games Captained:0
Record (W/T/L)://
Kills - Losses:105-59
Best Game:15-0
Bet Pool Accur:34.1
Bet Pool Total:396
Bet Pool Rank:202nd


Eagles may soar but weasels don Login: SoulBlinky
Real Name:
Location: Minnesota, USA

Favorite Map: Clash in the Cloudspine
Favorite Game: Flag Rally
Favorite Unit: Fetch
I started mything back in the begininning of m1.  For a long time I went through what I call, "The Dark Ages."  In other words, i sucked royally.  Then eventually I found SoS.  And I thought they were a fun, good order.  Thus I continued my ffa career until the day I discovered that 2 team has strategy, ffa is a combination of the biggest prick in the game.  So I started whoring things like stamp gyre (people seem to think I'm the best stamp gyre player ever.  Better than Gand) and fr clash 2v2.    Eventually, SoS went ww2 and I got sick of ffa, wanted to search for a skilled 2 team order with fun people in it.  And my sights settled on The Cacrajou Circle...
Threat Assessment:
Pomp is a player that likes to have fun.  Some of you may know him from his days with SoS.  He's a player with experience and he knows how to handle himself on the battlefield.

Happy hunting...err happy hurting.
Build time: 5ms