MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:8
Record (W/T/L):6/0/2
Games Captained:0
Record (W/T/L)://
Kills - Losses:37-14
Best Game:9-0
Bet Pool Accur:N/A
Bet Pool Total:N/A
Bet Pool Rank:N/A

Some Loser

Finnish, eeek! Login: someloser
Real Name: s_O_m_e_L_o_s_E_R
Location: Sweden

Favorite Map: TFL/Grave, SB/Clash
Favorite Game: Territories
Favorite Unit: Dwarfe/ghol
The wheel of time spins.. Long forgotten times get back to life; Agn, Hero,
 VaM, PL, BI.. The first time was chaotic with alot of beer, women and
 rankwhoring. I constantly showed my 14" ### for everyone I saw. FFA comet
 was cool indeed. After some time I got sucked into VaM, an order with alot
 of clowns. VaM did the impossible, they brought me back to life again. I met
 the god and creator of BI "Ahura Mazda" some time after that I had left
 VaM(many tears). My faith was now taking a new direction after this meeting.
 I first joined the legendary order PL and after that I became a Bountious
 Immortal. Togheter with my comrade and legendary warrior Red Phoenix I
 experienced many battles the years to come. But my biggest chalange was
 still to come. To win the MWC 2001 togheter with a team of crazy fins!

ps. soulblighter rules  (he is swedish too so he owns joo)
Threat Assessment:
An old Bounteous Immortals member, Some Loser has tournament experience, especially with gtm in MWC99.

We'll have to see how many games he plays for Np.
Build time: 11ms