MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:3
Record (W/T/L):0/0/3
Games Captained:0
Record (W/T/L)://
Kills - Losses:6-23
Best Game:3-0
Bet Pool Accur:34.7
Bet Pool Total:402
Bet Pool Rank:208th

The Bryan

Answer THAT and stay fashionable. Login: Zeronova
Real Name: Bryan
Location: Lower East Side of D-Town, NJ

Favorite Map: Super Deluxe Gold War 2000 Bonus Edition Alpha Gamma 1.1
Favorite Game: The one with the hill and flag where you hold it longer than
Favorite Unit: Scab
My hobbies include your mom and devouring cereal.  Since I've forgotten to play Myth for a while now, expect me to complain about you cheating and how my connection lost us the game.  If I told you anymore about myself it would be an injustice to... myself.  Oh yes, and I AM PART OF THE MACHINE.  gg's.
Threat Assessment:
Zeronova is one of Desf's other talents. Like most of Desf, he suffers from poor in-game communication with his teammates, but he is otherwise a skilled individual. Usually running a flank, or a larger force with Mechjock, Zero is rarely given to making silly or careless mistakes.
Build time: 6ms