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Player Statistics
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Bet Pool Accur:N/A
Bet Pool Total:N/A
Bet Pool Rank:N/A


Sucks to be you.  Kicks ass to be me Login: Foolsdoom
Real Name: Brian Green
Location: NJ, USA

Favorite Map: Gimble
Favorite Game: Last Man On the Hill
Favorite Unit: Dwarves
I am leet.  I do have mad skillz, although I'm sure you
don't.  You may THINK you do, but trust me, such a mentality will only
get you killed in the long run.  You can't be as leet as me, because
only I can be so leet, because only I have the skillz required to be
this leet.  Sorry, that's just how things are.  Accept it.  You couldspend an eternity trying, but you won't even come close.  Most people
have natural talents\abilities.  Mine just happens to be the natural ability to be incredibly leet.  One might even say perfect.....yes, perfect.  That word, although a massive understatement, best describes how leet I really am.  Yours happens to be the natural ability to wish so very much you were more like me.
Threat Assessment:
We don't know much about Wind, other than the fact that he isn't one of Desf's strong players. Another who will probably end up relegated to menial in-game roles.
Build time: 6ms