MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:13
Record (W/T/L):1/1/11
Games Captained:1
Record (W/T/L):0/0/1
Kills - Losses:54-64
Best Game:10-0
Bet Pool Accur:N/A
Bet Pool Total:N/A
Bet Pool Rank:N/A


Im THAT good? Login: Dwarves
Real Name:
Location: Wisconsin

Favorite Map: Grave
Favorite Game: Steal the Bacon
Favorite Unit: Dwarf
Now for my biography:

I got myth in early january of 200 and first came on as Final Fantasy.  within weeks i tried to start an order with several other newbs, their names and the name of the order will not be disclosed.  Later i was noticed by several members of tff, mostly by Seifer and Laguna, and was asked if i would like to try out.  I was excepted into the order then because i, well, beat laguna and Seif in Raid.  Once i jioned I became known as Setzer Gabbiani until the winter of 2000 where i was then calling myself Vivi.  Later, when i was the ONLY member of tff that was truly active, i jioned a more active final fantasy order, ff.  Since there already was a Vivi in that order i went back to Setzer.  But that didn't last long because i then went to Tidus within days of the release of the info stating that he was the main character from FFX.  But now, for old friends sake, im now back to Vivi.

You can see me playing anything, but im usually drifting from room to room looking for a game that i would like to play.
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