MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:19
Record (W/T/L):5/0/14
Games Captained:1
Record (W/T/L):1/0/0
Kills - Losses:142-227
Best Game:25-0
Bet Pool Accur:N/A
Bet Pool Total:N/A
Bet Pool Rank:N/A

the Boogerman HB

uhmm.... I like boogers Login: Stelin
Real Name: William Arbuckle
Location: Glasgow/Scotland

Favorite Map: the Badlands
Favorite Game: Flag Rally
Favorite Unit: Warlock
I am the Boogerman and I've come to say,
I eat my boogers come night or day,
I'll pick 'em here, I'll flick 'em there,
I'll pick and flick 'em everywhere,
Chewing on boogers all day long,
That's what makes me big and strong.
Threat Assessment:
Not much is known about this character.  If he is anything like his teammates he probably excels in dark unit type of maps.

The only lethal thing he has on light maps comes from his nose.
Build time: 7ms