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True Peril

Login: Cookieman
Real Name: Alexander Szymanski
Location: Richmond, British Columbia

Favorite Map: Gimble in the Wabe
Favorite Game: Capture the Flag
Favorite Unit: Archer
True Peril has been around with the Myth community for many a moon now... since 1999. I am a skilled PC scripter, great cmapper, good writer, and a reasonable artist. I've never ever before been in a tourney.
I am the cofounder of SoM(Smiths of Muirthemne) and a slightly active member in TMBM(They Might Be Mapmakers. I'm not a big rank player (though i play ranked sometimes) , I basically loathe WW2, and i'm a skilled player who
really enjoys playing CTF as the defender. I also enjoy using the quote: "giving the raspberry" in game.
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