MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:9
Record (W/T/L):2/0/7
Games Captained:3
Record (W/T/L):0/0/3
Kills - Losses:60-89
Best Game:7-0
Bet Pool Accur:N/A
Bet Pool Total:N/A
Bet Pool Rank:N/A


Yeah, I've heard about these so-called great myth players in their so-called great myth orders and they put their pants on one leg at a time, just like I do. In some cases, I think I put mine on a little better. Login: slimrodent
Real Name:

Favorite Map: GFGG
Favorite Game: GFGG CTF DM with ww2 units
Favorite Unit: See above
Miltiades began mything as soon as he was old enough to use a computer, at age four. Since then he has had many spectacular achievements in the myth world. The most prominent one to date is almost killing a single savage thrall with three pus ghols. A close second would be leaving his chickens arranged in such a way, that a quick-moving stealthy wight was able to sneak up and eliminate all of them in a game of stampede gimble. Bored by such easy victories, Miltiades has gone onwards to the more challenging realms of ww2 and GFGG. He will now challenge any brave soul to a fun game of 90 minute CTF on GFGG with ww2 and deathmatch enabled.

(Addendum:  Miltiades also has the most aliases of any of the Idiots, having gone through 6 or so names over his mything career.)
Threat Assessment:
Miltiades is a capable player.
Build time: 4ms