MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:9
Record (W/T/L):4/0/5
Games Captained:4
Record (W/T/L):2/0/2
Kills - Losses:102-60
Best Game:29-0
Bet Pool Accur:9.7
Bet Pool Total:142
Bet Pool Rank:109th


My greatest achievement in my Myth career was achieving the rank of #34 in Hunting by unimapping Raid.  There's none of that in this tourney, so GG =( Login: zorch32
Real Name:
Location: Baltimore

Favorite Map: Gimble/Desert
Favorite Game: Flag Rally
Favorite Unit: Rurik(preferably dead)
Though a FFA player by preference, I also enjoy very large team games.  I'm known amongst my teammates for my annoying tendency to talk in TROSPEK and for my frequent bitching when things go wrong(Things go wrong a lot when I have more than half a dozen thrall).  If I ever get a warlock at any time during this tourney, expect to see me mentioned in the Blunder of the Week column.
  (Edit: No, I am not the leader of the idiots, I'm just functioning as a contact for MWC.)
 (Edit #2: Summer job + no real internet access + new girlfriend = no Myth.  Sorry guys, see ya later, I'll be back eventually)
Threat Assessment:
We think Inferno is the Idiot leader, and I recall that he's much better than his order tag suggests.
Build time: 10ms