MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:23
Record (W/T/L):8/0/15
Games Captained:23
Record (W/T/L):8/0/15
Kills - Losses:236-207
Best Game:24-0
Bet Pool Accur:N/A
Bet Pool Total:N/A
Bet Pool Rank:N/A


No soup for you! Login: ares
Real Name: Argyris

Favorite Map: Desert
Favorite Game: Terries
Favorite Unit: Archers
Maps scripted by me include Source of the 500 Poisons, Acts of Depravity, Homeland 1 & 2, Legend of Gor-Ash, and the final level of Bushido.
 I've only been in one previous tournament, and that was for TFL (King of Creep), but I advanced four rounds. So I can't suck too much, mb.
 I plan to use the secret scripting ch33tz to win every game I cap.
Threat Assessment:
Ares has certainly been around for a long time, having been in a little-known clan called Vss for a long while during the TFL era an written several unit-specific tutorials for the late during the early myth2 days.  However in recent years, scripting has consumed most of his freetime and, while he remains a fairly profficient archer, his skills remain somewhat weak.
Build time: 2ms